
Print From Anywhere

Send your documents to the library to be printed from your home computer, smartphone or tablet with the SPOT Global Print app available for Android, Chrome / Chrome OS, Fire, iOS, macOS, and Windows.

iOS Devices Printing Guide


1) Download the “SPOT Global Print” app from the App Store.

You can use the links in the top right of this guide to download the app, or click here to be taken to Librarica's download website.

2) Open the “SPOT Global Print” app.

3) Select “Christian County Library (MO)” as pickup location.

4) Select the branch you want to pickup from.

5) Exit the “SPOT Global Print” app.

The printer you selected is now installed as a printer for your device. You can select this printer when you open an app’s print menu.

6) Open the document you want to print, and select print from the document's menu.

7) Select the printer you chose in the “SPOT Global Print” app.

8) Tap “Print” once you are done choosing the print options.


Getting Started

Select a video tutorial below on how to access and install the SPOT Global Print app. If you're unsure which operating system your device uses, please ask library staff for assistance. Or you can view this information handout

Mobile Printing Process

After downloading the Spot Global Printing App and sending your documents to a specific library branch for printing, follow these steps:

    • Visit the service desk and let library staff you’re there to print

    • Staff will ask for your PIN (personal identification number) and payment

    • Prints are picked up at the public copier machine

Here are a few helpful hints (for detailed instructions, check out the video tutorials and F.A.Q.)

    • The first time clicking on a library printer in the Spot Global app the printer will be listed as “ipps://…” Click on that printer and it will be renamed to a specific printer such as “Nixa Branch Printer”

    • Don’t forget your PIN because it’s required to release prints

    • All prints are formatted to a standard 8.5” x 11” letter size

    • Documents can be printed single-sided or double-sided

    • Black and white prints are .10 per side. Color prints are .25 per side. Cash and credit/debit cards are accepted if the total is more than one dollar.

    • Prints are saved for 72 hours (3 days) and then are deleted

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Don't forget, you can always contact the service desk of branch for assistance with mobile printing.